Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just a thought on high fashion.

I was reading a blog comment about recently eliminated America's Next Top Model contestant Kasia Pilewicz, a full figure model. They commenter said "There's a certain height and shape requirement for high fashion, and it is not meant to be shown in full figure."

WHAT? HOW IS THE WORLD OKAY WITH THESE PERSPECTIVES? "We're sorry, but fashion is meant for those that are not a full figure. Must be half a figure or less to be high fashion."

Friday, April 22, 2011

The New Tea Time Attire

It takes spring time for me to be motivated and joyous again. I have been working on my future, and while I desperately cling to my not-so-secret ambition for a bakery of elaborate dessert goods, Egyptology phd applications are in the works. Life sure is tough when you're in a toss up between being Indiana Jones and a cupcake connoisseur.

But I digress... in the mean time, to brighten my spirits, my blog will be revived featuring my deliciously adorable culinary endeavors, photography, artwork, and seamstress-ing. Today launches my spring collection, but until there is work to show, I'll sneak preview with some low-quality samples.