Friday, August 5, 2011

Drexel Monies

Things I hate about Drexel:

-Exorbitant tuition
-Unbalanced distribution of funding from tuition
-Patrons that condition their funding to the already most prestigious programs
-How cold it is in the summer indoors
-How we beef up our appearance for orientation
-That we've been under construction since I came here
-How much they charge for things here on top of our grotesque tuition
-Over-the-top resource waste for celebrations (I loved inauguration week but I don't want to know how much those extremely reputable concert women cost alone, let alone the 3 floor catering and cocktails)
-Wasted print resources. Instead of making an orientation sign in poster print that says "Carrie Fischer", make one that says "Group 4" or that is orange, so it's reusable in the future. I beg you.

Things I love about Drexel:
-100% wind powered
-Removal of trays from the entrance of the dining hall, so people reconsider if they need one or not
-Sierra Club's realistic, non-extremist, understanding members, and their intiative success
--- 100% cage free eggs! I remember when we were campaigning for this!
-Our brilliant presidents, Papadak and John Fry. The shift from a president that focused on and succeeded in economic and development growth to establish renown for Drexel, to one focused on community relations and environmental values is beautiful, well-balanced, and not disappointing
- Cultural passports. Are these available for purchase as upperclassmen? I think so.
-Nesbitt Gallery
-Everything Crete has done for Drexel. I think Freshman should receive a 7 minute briefing on what "akis" means on all of our buildings.
-12% international students
-Co-op (I do NOT love that you charge us the same amount of tuition when we're on co-op as you do when we're in classes, but if we rearrange when we'll be taking co-op vs classes then we're charged $7000/term. I want my $7000 back, I'd have a much better GPA and financial standing if you'd not stolen a term of tuition from me.)
-Classical studies
-Dancing electives (thank you for teaching me ballroom, and taking me back to Africa by bringing in an instructor from the community arts center on Lancaster.)
-Availability of cultural events and opportunities. I wish somewhere there was a collective calendar for non-culture studies students to become aware of these opportunities.
-Commuter programs. They're an amazing resource, and always embracing. Special support to the amazing Jessica.
-Miss Dottie and the asian woman whose english has improved over the past 4 years.

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