Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My polka-dot dresses

I've been thinking about making a sub-blog, when I actually get back to blogging, featuring my black-and-white polka-dot finds.

I've felt a little guilty

lately because I bought a case of water like a month ago 60% off. I know I shouldn't be buying bottled water, but I got the mega eco bottles and it was meant to encourage me to drink more water BECAUSE I REALLY LIKE THAT PLASTIC TASTE. Tap water, brita, rain... you just don't got it.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sushi counts

I've been thinking about trying a semi-raw diet for a month this summer. And maybe another month I'd do a local diet. I just am nervous about how my metabolism and things would react after coming off the semi-raw diet.

So yeah, by semi-raw I mean most things uncooked, like vegetables... but I wouldn't be vegan. So basically I would also eat cheese and fish, which might require being smoked or broiled. Sue me. Finally, I also will permit cooked rice and the occasional steaming of vegetables.

But this is of course all hypothetical. I don't know yet if I'm going to do it. I just want to.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kristen Wiig

I am exactly the lead character in Bridesmaids right now. And I've been progressing towards that bottom point. And I feel I'm about to hit it and it's so scary. And really I just want to bake pretty cupcakes and have a cake shop.
I know that in the way I handle situations I am my problem, but I hope people also recognize that I am my solution, and give me that chance. I hope people respond positively and optimistically and supportively when I hit bottom, instead of suggesting that mistakes are valueless and I'll never recover.

I cried at such a dumb point in that movie, just because I envied the support she had when everything went to shit.