Monday, March 29, 2010


I tend to blurb too much on facebook, so I thought this would be a healthier outlet for my thoughts and things to share.

My friend Scott is in Athens and took this picture of the Acropolis from atop his hotel! It's the thought that counts, nevermind the noise.

My apartment feels super chilly today! But I refuse to take off my fabulous daisy dukes, and I do not have sweatpants to put over top of them. I suppose I'll just stay in this blanket all day.

Easter is coming! I have realized this season that Easter is the most fun holiday! It is colorful and familyful and the commercialism of it doesn't break the bank, just makes the day all the more wonderful! Eggs! I want them! So many colors! Creative chocolates! Rabbits! Colors!

It's rainy but I don't mind, but I do have a song or two on my mind. "Sweet Child o' Mine" covered by Taken By Trees (a lovely band), featured on The Last House on the Left, is gorgeous. Hauntingly. Beautiful.

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