Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Sunshine... on my window,... makes me happy... like I should be..."

"The words 'I love you' become nothing but noise. But that’s why we kiss. To say with our lips what we couldn’t before."
It's raining again... but the rest of this week is supposed to be gorgeous! Time for spring and pastel love! I almost bought one of those moulds to make giant cupcakes this weekend, but I couldn't find a price. I now realize it was $30. Good call on not just buying it anyway.
Because my life apparently revolves around everything being either disgustingly sappy or quaintly beautiful, I found the tumblr fuck yeah kissing pretty wonderful! It sometimes makes you jealous, but mostly you just think HOW FREAKING BEAUTIFUL AND HOW CAN I MAKE THAT BE ME?

On the topic of how obnoxiously into sweet, pretty things I am, I'm doing a really intense run in a month, maybe you've heard of it? The Tough Mudder is approximately 7 miles on a ski mountain, through lakes, and through mud, just doing a ridiculous obstacle course of pain. I thought it would be way more fun than a marathon, though I realize it will be more intense and tiring. I'm just hoping the fun and entertainment part of it will distract me from being too miserable to finish. Especially since a nurse told me this weekend I probably have cracked ribs from my extreme coughing. MY LIFE IS EPIC.

I really want sushi. I'm definitely too poor for it, but I had a sushi date planned with my friend Stitch this week as a joint birthday experience. He's out of town for the rest of the week, so it will have to wait. So will my personal-size cake with lots of icing from Fresh Grocer.
(dav english floral rain boots, yes please. )
I found this pretty version of Lovers in Japan, acoustic. Not quite the upbeat springtime feeling I was going for when I sought it out, but it's still lovely enough to share. A couple covers, a few slow songs, not at all a chipper Little April Showers playlist. Aim and miss, but some reminiscent old stuff for a smile or two.

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